Call for papers

CFP: The third DL4C workshop: Emergent Possibilities and Challenges in Deep Learning for Code

Workshop part of ICLR 2025.

We invite original research paper submissions from any topic that is relevant to deep learning for code. This year, we specifically welcome submissions addressing recent challenges like:

  • Agentic Methods for Programming Tasks Agents able to solve realistic coding tasks, such as solving GitHub issues or software developing tasks.

  • Post-training and Alignment for Code Alignment for code, including but not limited to how to learn from human feedback, execution feedback, and AI feedback for better code generation.

  • Developer Productivity and HCI for Code Adaptation of models to users’ needs to increas developer productivity, including studies on human-AI interaction for code from different disciplines (Machine Learning, Human-Computer Interaction, and Software Engineering, etc.).

  • Open Science and Responsible AI for Code Contributions from researchers who follow responsible AI practices and strive for openness and transparency in their work and who are willing to share their code, models, and data. We also welcome contributions from researchers interested in developing open science practices for deep learning for code.

  • Benchmarking and Evaluation for Code Benchmarks for code such execution-based benchmarks, code understanding, code efficiency, model-based judges, and project-level context.

  • Other topics of interest include but are not limited to, for example:

    • Reinforcement Learning for Code
    • Data for Code
    • Pre-training Methods and Representation for Code
    • Natural Language To Code
    • Formal Methods for Code
    • Program Repair
    • Code Translation
    • Code Explanation
    • Code Summarization
    • Code Generation for Applications Beyond Code such as Reasoning, Decision Making, and Algorithmic Discovery

Please consider submitting a paper describing your work, which can be research papers, technical papers, position papers, or system demonstrations. We are calling for regular papers with up to 9 pages of content, and short papers with up to 4 pages of content (see below), both with unlimited references and supplementary materials. To prepare your submission, please use the LaTeX style files for ICLR 2025, provided at

Important Dates and Info

  • Submissions site:
  • Submissions will close February Feb 10th, 2025 23:59 AoE. There is no separate deadline for abstracts.
  • Accept/reject notifications will be sent March 5th, 2025.
  • Authors of spotlighted papers will be invited to give a short talk at the workshop and will be notified with details shortly after the acceptance notifications.
  • Camera-ready pdfs and posters of accepted submissions are due by March 20th, 2025 11:59 PM AoE.
  • The workshops will take place on April 27th, 2025 at the Singapore EXPO

DL4C is non-archival and thus dual submission is allowed where permitted by third parties. Please see the FAQ below for more details. Authors should check their email (and spam folder) for acceptance decisions and instructions on how to submit their camera-ready paper and poster by the deadline.

Tiny / Short papers

This year, ICLR is discontinuing the separate “Tiny Papers” track, and is instead requiring each workshop to accept short paper submissions, with an eye towards inclusion; see ​​ for more details. Authors of these papers will be earmarked for potential funding from ICLR, but need to submit a separate application for Financial Assistance that evaluates their eligibility. This application for Financial Assistance to attend ICLR 2025 will become available on at the beginning of February and close on March 2nd.

In DL4C workshop, we welcome Tiny / Short Papers submissions with these goals:

  • Create alternative entry points to research, and in particular, approachable avenues for beginners to enter and enjoy the ICLR community;
  • Celebrate intermediate breakthroughs in representation learning research;
  • Efficiently disseminate ideas, findings, and opinions within the ICLR community.

All submissions must be limited to 4 pages (not including references and supplementary materials) and will follow the same timeline as regular long papers.


Will the OpenReview be open to the public?

We will implement the following policy:

  1. All submissions will be private – to their respective authors, to the reviewers assigned to review them, and to the workshop organizers – until the camera-ready due date.
  2. We will communicate the accept/reject decisions individually and privately to the respective authors.
  3. Accepted submissions (abstract + pdf) will be publicly visible after the notification.
  4. Rejected and withdrawn submissions will not become public.
  5. Reviews will not be made public. They will be visible only to the authors, the reviewers who will have written them, and the organizers.
Anonymity requirements

Submissions should be anonymized for a double-blind review. We do not set an anonymity period.

That means you must submit your paper pdf with author names and affiliations removed, but you can still share it publicly on platforms like ArXiv or on social media.

Dual submission

We accept submissions of the following types:

  1. Fully original work not under reviewed elsewhere.
  2. Work that is under review at another venue (e.g., ICML and ARR). If you submit, make sure you are not violating the submission guidelines and anonymity requirements of the other venue(s).

Furthermore, for authors of work accepted at ICLR 2025 who wish to promote their work at DL4C, we will be happy to consider a dual submission. Such work will not be reviewed and are exempt from spotlighting, but a poster slot is available upon request. The DL4C organizers will decide if the work will be cross-listed on the DL4C website solely on its relevance to DL4C. For works accepted at other venues other than ICLR, we still require submitting the paper through the portal and going through the normal reviewing process, to decide if it will be accepted and presented at DL4C. For any other questions, please contact us with your paper and situation.

How do I submit a paper?

Please submit your work at

Authors of papers accepted at ICLR 2025 who wish to submit their work to the workshop do so by contactig us via email.

Are we allowed to submit a paper with an appendix?

Yes, you can submit an appendix but reviewers are not required to review it.

Student Funding

While things are being finalized, we expect funding for students especially from under-represented groups and/or having financial difficulty thanks to our generous sponsors.

Awards and prizes

We will have awards at the workshop. The details will be announced later.

How do I submit a poster?

Accepted papers will be invited to submit a poster that will be displayed during the workshop. The link to upload the poster will be shared later.

How do I submit a demo?

Please contact us.